Home Sweet Home

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

البنات المقطقطة

فى نوع من البنات لما تتكلم تلاقى نفسـك عند سـماعها لا إرادياً بتدور تحت الكرسـى على قطة جعانة مسـتنيه حد يحدفلها لقمة ولا حاجة وبعدين تكتشـف إن النونوة دى كانت طالعة من البنت الجالسـة أمامك وليس من تحت الكرسـى كما أعتقدت

النوع ده من البنات ممكن ناس تعتبره رقة، يعنى بنات بسـكوت كده بتتفتفت لما تتكلم. أنا بقى ماليش خُلق على البنات المقطقطة دى. بصراحة بزهق، مش بس لأنهم بينونوا، لكن لأن معظم المواضيع اللى بتكلموا فيها بتكون مواضيع قططية خالص

المشـكلة بقى إن فى واحدة أعرفها من فصيلة القطط بضطر أكلمها من وقت لأخر. وفى بعض الأحيان بيقى حظى وحش وأضطر أشـوفها، فقبل ميعاد المقابلة لازم أرتب فى دماغى شـوية جُمل كدة على قد ما أوسُـم علشـان هى أول ما تبدأ تتكلم بأخودلى تعسـيلة سـريعة كدة لغاية ما تخلص اللى بتقوله وأصحى على صوتها بتسـألنى رأيى
فأقوم أنا بقى رده رد عبقرى من الردود اللى أنا مرتباها قبل الخروجة، حاجة كدة زى: الجو جميل، شـئ عظيم، كويس خالص
يعنى... أهو أى كلام يا عبد السـلام، يعنى حاجة كدة زى متقولوا فاصل إعلانى قبل ما صحبتنا تعاود النونوة، أقصد الكلام. وبعد نهاية اللقاء أرجع إلى بيتى و أحمد الله وأصلى ركعتين شـكر إن المرارة لسـة مكانها و ماطئتش

أنا بس نفسـى أقول لهؤلاء البنات المقطقطة أو القطط المبنتته إن الرقة ملهاش علاقة بالسـطحية والمواضيع التافهة والكلام بنرة تثائبية كأنها حدوتة قبل النوم. كمان علشـان تثبتى أنوثتك الطاغية مش لازم تكون المواضيع كلها عن العناية بالبشـرة و المكياج والموضة والفنانات. كما أنه لا علاقة بين الرقة والنطق الصحيح للغة العربية، يعنى مش لازم تنطقى الصـاد، سـين... والقـاف، كاف... و الضاد، دال
(مع الاعتذار للقطط السـيامى والبلدى والرومى وجميع الفصائل الأخرى)

Posted by Wonderer :: 10:00 PM :: 16 comments

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Strangers in a Mall

She walked into the main gate of the shopping mall holding her young daughter’s hand. She was talking to her kid and moving her eyes among the huge number of people in the place when suddenly she saw him in front of her.

He was as smart as he used to be as if the years did not pass. She could even smell from a distance the perfume that he used to wear. He was talking to a young woman and they seemed to be having a debate. She wondered who she might be. Maybe his wife… but she doesn’t appear to be his taste!! He used to like elegant and stylish women and this woman is far from being his style. Maybe his taste has changed, it has been 10 years after all, and people change.

The little hand of her daughter woke her up when she pulled her to the window of a toyshop. She moved towards the shop like a hypnotized person. She even allowed her daughter for the first time to go messing around in the toyshop. She could think of nothing but him and how would her life be like if they had a traditional end for their love story.
She remembered how each of them used to love the other secretly, and the day he revealed his love to her. She remember every single detail till the day he asked her to forget all about him cause he was not ready for a serious commitment. She recalled her tears, her broken heart, her sleepless nights… she remembered the pain he caused her and how much she hated him at that time.

How would her life be like if she got married to him 10 years ago? She wondered. She wanted from her heart to turn around to the main gate in search of him, to see him… no, to let him see her… to ask him if this was his wife, if he was happy? Or maybe she wanted him to see her and regret that he didn’t marry her, to see that after 10 years she was still as elegant as she used to be and as young as ever.

She woke up in the middle of her thoughts for the second time by hearing her kid’s voice saying “ok mummy, I’ll take the BRATZ girls”. She walked towards the cashier, paid the money and looked to her little daughter who resembled her father very much. She remembered her husband and how sweet and kind he is. She felt blessed for having him in her life. She blamed herself for thinking of an ex-love while she had such a great love in her life. She felt so much ashamed of herself for such thoughts.

She held her daughter’s hand again and went out of the mall towards the parking area. She drove her car heading to home but unconsciously she went through the CDs in her car and played a song she used to love 10 years ago, their song….

I care not what the world may say,
Without your love there is no day,
So love, this is my song,
Here is a song, a serenade to you.

Posted by Wonderer :: 12:04 AM :: 15 comments

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Quote of the day!!

"Good friends and fish stink after 3 days"
Ben Franklin

Posted by Wonderer :: 3:24 PM :: 10 comments

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

عمار يا مصر

من اسـبوع كدة اتخبط فى نافوخى و قررت اشـترى بنطلون جينز. من باب العلم بالشـئ أنا سـبت مصر من 8 سـنوات تقريباً و علاقتى بأرض الكنانة تلخصت فى الأجازات السـنوية أو النصف سـنوية. يعنى بمعنى أصح عملية التسـوق فى الاسـواق المصرية اتلغت من زمان من قاموسـى. ماهو أصلى بصراحة مش حضيع الشـهر الأجازة فى اللف على المحلات

المهم، من يومين كده قررت أن بما أننى عدت إلى الوطن عودة مؤقته فمفيش مشـكلة بقى من زيارة سـريعة كدة لمحل جينز محترم. فعلى السـريع قمت ببعض الأبحاث الميدانية للتعرف على محل يكون محترم وكويس و إبن حلال علشـان مضيعش وقتى على الفاضى. أسـفرت هذه الأبحاث عن محل واحد هوا اللى عليه العين

ولاد الحلال جزاهم الله خيراً قلولى عليكى وعلى محل إنرجى فى المهندسـين، وعنها، مكدبتش خبر، ركبت الناقة وشـرخت على إنرجى. الجدير بالذكر بقى إن أخر مرة أشـتريت فيها جينز من مصر كان من حوالى عشـر سـنين وكان بقى جينز مجبتهوش ولادة، كان سـعره 250 جنيهاً مصرياً. و فى نفس الحقبة الزمنية دى كان فى جنزات كتير أرخص من كده بكتير، نظام 100 و 150 جنيه، بس كونى بقى عايئه ومديئة قررت أشـترى أبو 250 جنيه و إنشـلا ما حد حوش بقى

المهم، نرجع مرجوعنا لإنرجى، المحل عبارة عن 3 أدوار. دخلت الدور الأول وكلى إقبال على الحياة و بدأت ألقى نظرة، لقيت المعروضات عبارة عن قمصان أو تى شـرتات منقطة أو مخططة أو مشـجرة أو مطرزة بكم هائل من الألوان، حاجات لطيفة خالص، بس الملفت للإنتباه إن مقاسـات المعروضات تعتبر كبيرة شـوية
بصراحة، شـميت ريحة غدر فى الموضوع. فندهت الأسـتاذ المبجل المسـئول عن القسـم وسـئلته بكل بسـاطة: هوا لو سـمحت الحاجات دى حريمى ولا رجالى، أصلنا بقينا فى زمن اليونى سـكس والواحد مبقاش عارف الراجل من السـت، بصللى كدة باسـتغراب وقلى: طبعاً رجالى
طبعاً طبعاً ماهو واضح بس أنا سـاعات بعانى من العشى الليلى بعيد عنك

المهم، طلعت بكرامتى كدة على الدور الثالث حيث الملابس الحريمى
الراجل، و الابتسـامة من الودن للودن: بتدورى على حاجة معينة يا أنسـة
أنا: بنطلون جينز ميكونش لو واست (أى وسـط سـاقط) و يريت بقى لو يكون بلو بلاك، واخدين بالكو، وكمان بتشـرط. أرشـدنى الرجل الى المكان المعروض فيه البنطلونات وقال لى ولسـة بقه من ودنه اليمين لودنه الشـمال، على فكرة إحنا عندنا خصـم 30 فى الميه
بدأت اتفرج على الموديلات فى صمت وأحاول أن أجد طلبى، وبعدين أتخبطت فى نافوخى لتانى مرة وقررت أبص على كرت السـعر، يعنى من باب العلم بالشـئ
للوهله الأولى لم أسـتطع تمييز إذا كان الرقم ده السـعر ولا الكود ولا رقم كده بيتفائلوا بيه وخلاص حيث أن الكرت كان مكتوب عليه 1150
بصيت على الجينز اللى بعده لاقيت مكتوب عليه 970!!! وكان فى واحد شـعبى كده مش أد المقام بـ 780 جنيه

أنا بس عايزه حد يقولى هوا أنا إللى تخلفت بسـبب بعدى عن مصر وهوا ده العادى ولا المحلات دى محلات مرش (غسـيل) أموال ولا الناس فى مصر فلوسـها كترت وخلاص مبقناش من دول العالم الثالت

حد ينورنى الله يخليكو

تحديث: بعد خبتى التقيلة فى إنرجى ذهبت بمحض الصدفة إلى كرفور البوابات كما يطلقون عليه، فوجدت هناك محل بولو يعلن عن خصم 50% . أنا بقى قلت أيه فرجت خلاص وكنت أظنها لا تفرج. والحمد لله الذى لا يحمد على مكروه سـواه وجدت الجينز عندهم بـ 2250 بس عليه 50% خصـم و بسـؤال الأصدقاء أكتشـفت أن هى دى أسـعار الجينزات ذات المركات العالمية بس أنا اللى متأخرة شـوية

الحمد لله، مصر لسـه بخير... وعمار يا مصر

Posted by Wonderer :: 11:32 PM :: 22 comments

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Monday, October 02, 2006

Hazelnut Cappuccino @ Pasqua

Yummmmy:) اللهم إنى صائمة

Posted by Wonderer :: 1:38 AM :: 6 comments

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Happy Blogging Anniversary

I am back… did you miss me?:)

Ok I have been away now for almost 2 months. My life was so busy during these couple of month. However, I had a dream a couple of days ago that a hacker has taken control over my blog and erased all my posts and posted his own cause I have been away for a while. In the dream I called nerro and I was in a severe panic telling her what happened to my blog. I wake up in the morning with the desire to write something new but I was too busy and my thoughts were scattered.

A minute ago I was thinking of blogging and how much I miss all the bloggers, when I remembered that last week I completed a year of blogging. I started blogging on the 14th of September 2005 … waw time flies … as if it were yesterday:)

Anyway, I just wanted to wish myself a happy anniversary:) … no, no, no… in fact, I wanted to post something new about the new turn in my life. However, I have many details here and I am not sure you’ll have the time to read a long post like this one. So, I will post a quick sentence to comfort my dear bloggers/ friends who have been asking about me either through e-mails, phone calls or dropping a comment on my blog. Thank you all for your concern:)

Well, I am back, but this time I am no more “Away From Home”. I am back to my Home Land, Egypt. I will stay here for a while due to some major changes in my life. I will write a separate post about them soon.

Before, I go… I wanted to wish you all a Wonderful RAMADAN. Kol sana w entom taybeen

Posted by Wonderer :: 11:53 PM :: 15 comments

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Qana Massacre – kids killers

60 peaceful civilians were killed, among them were 37 kids...

Who is the terrorist and who is the victim??

The pictures are stronger than any words….

حسـبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

Posted by Wonderer :: 1:51 AM :: 6 comments

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Squeaking Wheels

It is now 3AM I am still awake. The wheels of my brain need some rest. They are working 24/7 ever since he told me the latest news. I am worried to death. I am hiding my worries cause I don’t want to bother him.

I don’t know shall I be happy for that news or sad!! I am neither of them, just WORRIED.

The wheels are squeaking now, they need some maintenance… maybe some grease will work. Naaay, all I need is some rest, some good sleep. I don’t guarantee to find brain spare-parts; hence, I have to switch it of for a couple of hours.

Oh God, help me… choose for me … do I really have the choice!!!

Posted by Wonderer :: 3:09 AM :: 0 comments

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition

Please go to http://julywar.epetition.net and sign the Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition and forward this invitation to your friends.

Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are being collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.

Posted by Wonderer :: 4:07 PM :: 2 comments

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Egypt, Sweet Egypt

I miss Egypt,
I miss my family,
My mum and dad,
I miss my friends,
Oh yeah I miss my friends a lot,
I miss a good laugh
I miss a true advice,
I miss a sincere “I miss you”
I miss a joyful outing,
I miss my home, my furniture, my knickknacks.

I miss Egypt,
I miss the streets,
I miss the Shooting Club,
I miss Café Rosters,
I miss Chills and Spectra :)
I miss my scarlet Corsa (I sold it and it will be my first vacation without my tiny lovely car:(

It is very weird, people living in Egypt want to leave it and are dying for an opportunity. On the other hand, people who live outside Egypt are always carrying her in their hearts and dream of the day when they go back.

I am coming TONIGHT. I am so excited and worried at the same time. I will stay for almost 2 months.
Maybe I will be more fortunate to see all my friends bloggers in Egypt this visit. Anyway, please contact me on my e-mail, so we might prepare and “bloggers’ outing” isa :)

Posted by Wonderer :: 1:29 PM :: 17 comments

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